for vm...
O-T-C anti-V allergy drug, anyone?
So it is the big "V". Again.
Thanks to a friend for taking us to the 11th hot air balloon festival at Clarkfield, Pampanga last Saturday I temporarily forgot to be dead-envious of couples present at SM Mall of Asia for the Lova Palooza event. A day away from the city indeed shielded me from a galaxy of emotional monsters. It could have been a hell of shit, you know, when you're kissing no one, or worse, kissing an imaginary someone.
Big "V", huh. On this day, people would probably look at me and see me "blue" amongst the "red ones". While everyone else is on some romantic Paris delivering lines "Please grow old with me.", and responses of joy " I will.", I will be expected, I guess, to be non existent and numb like some kid in front of a big screen- watching sunset or starry night or sparks of fireworks or butterfly shower or rain of romantic roses in the backdrop - bored at such sight, expecting to see Bart Simpson or Barney instead.
And they'll probably throw the other big question. At me. Will I ever get there?
So why am I still not celebrating the big "V" with someone special? They'll keep on guessing, but I'll always have my reasons (or more appropriately, "excuses"):
1. My heart is defective.
2. There are just too many choices.
3. I still haven't found myself.
4. I am not allowed to fall in love.
For #4, here's why:
I woke up
With feathers, bow and arrow
Found one soul
I played cupid
But was hit by my own arrow.
To this day
Am happy, contented
To love
Someone who won't ever see me.
Mush. Well, they say love is a choice. I have chosen to. Only in silence. Only from a distance.
So, O-T-C anti-V allergy drug, anyone?
Perhaps I need a signed RX pad.



Wind whispered.
Tree stood still.
Leaf clinged, held on tight.
Tree started dying
Bent to the wind's will.
Leaf resisted good bye.
But fall came still...